Monday, March 22, 2010

2010.03.22 Monday Morning!

Top of this Monday Morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

We are told often that we are living in a period in which the Gospel is not relevant and the Church is ineffective. The result has been ceasing to expect anything and realizing our expectation.

There is plenty in the world to make us prophets of gloom and doom. However, Christians can tune into another message which shows signs of hope rather than despair.

One such message comes with an opportunity to give to an annual appeal called the One Great Hour of Sharing. Our Presbyterian Church joins with other Churches in receiving this offering.

You are invited to walk the "Road of Service" (the Jericho Road) and involve yourself in ministry to the physical needs of those crushed by disaster, persecution and war, those trapped in poverty, homelessness, suffering.

For Christians this offering is a moment of spiritual opportunity:

Jesus said: "Truly, as you gave to one of the least of brother and sisters, you did it to me."

"Feed my sheep" with your gift to the One Great Hour of Sharing, which will be dedicated at Pilgrim Church on Palm Sunday, March 28.

The quality of mercy still is twice blessed!


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