Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009.12.28 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning, on this last Monday of 2009, from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

I thank you for your responses to Monday Morning, and I am constantly being surprised by the increasing number of people who get Monday Morning, either directly from the Church Office or by you sending copies to family and friends.

As we ring out the old year, I think of saints - not canonized saints - but ordinary imperfect people who belonged to the rank and file of everyday life.

"My saints" seldom talked about what they were doing, but their attitude and action showed the beautiful quality of their inner life. They gave a new surge to my faith, enabling me to recover the potential greatness of human life...

Walk with "your saints" into the New Year. You'll find them more impressive than ever. Then, "go and do likewise!"

Cheers! With thanks, I lift a glass of gladness in your honor.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

2009.12.21 Monday Morning!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

It is a good thing at Christmas to listen again to the message that heralded the birth of Jesus: "Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy!"

Please don't identify your Christian faith with gloom and doom! Don't be fooled by hyper religious (fanatics?) who are negative and critical of all who disagree with them.

The birth of Jesus sounded an anthem not a dirge. Christianity is not a long list of negatives. Keep your sense of humor and do what is right. I know a few agnostics who live closer to the spirit of Christ than some of the ultra pious folk in churches who believe the proof of their goodness is in direct proportion to the number of their inhibitions.

The Christian gospel is not negative. Even in these difficult days of war and economic woes, bring your radiant faith out of the shadows. God will give you the thrill of Christmas: God still is with you; rejoice, the Son of God has come to us.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

2009.12.14 Monday Morning!

Christmas is in the air, and as we make our way to the cradle of the Christ child, we send greetings of joy and good tidings from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

The town is decked out in its best Christmas attire, and despite an economic downturn, people are shopping for gifts. I hear much complaint about commercialism at Christmas time, but I wonder if that is all bad. It seems to me that there are two kinds of people in our world - people who want to share and people who don't want to share.

If Christmas brings out a spirit of sharing, I'm all for it. Doesn't the Christmas story tell us that men from the east brought gifts for Jesus, the babe in a manger?

Giving to your Church and your favorite charity in the spirit of Christmas isn't a bad idea. And, being generous with your gifts to loved ones may be just the ticket to get you in the mood to rediscover the help and love of God which all of us need year 'round.

Cheers! No Scrooge am I,

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2009.12.07 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

When those of us remember the attack on Pearl Harbor on this day, December 7, 1941, we will never forget where we were when we heard the breaking news on radio. My question, after all these years, is what have we learned?

I write only for myself, of course, but I've learned to believe more strongly than ever in Christ's reassuring message that people need not be eternally chained to the transgressions of the past. Repentance and reconciliation are God's way of providing new beginnings. Enemies in World War II are now friends, united to defeat a new enemy, world-wide terrorism.

At a personal level, with a consciousness of God's abiding presence with us, we can conquer selfish mistakes, repent and be free from the shackles of yesterday.

"Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide, in the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side; though the cause of evil prosper, yet 'tis truth alone is strong; though her portion be the scaffold, and upon the throne be wrong, yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own."

Blessed are the peacemakers...a pearl of value for everyday!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Service Invitation at 1st Presbyterian Church in Chelsea

All are invited to attend the Christmas Eve service at 1st Presbyterian Church of Chelsea. The service will be at 7:00 pm on Christmas Eve. The congregation will be taking part in the service and we would like to know if anyone who plans on attending would like to be a reader. If so please contact me via email or at 918.639.8364 or John Wooley ( at 918.342.0339.

If you would please announce this invitation in Church we would appreciate it and as always we would love to see our friends from Vinita. Please feel free to bring friends and family.

Alaine Dye
1st Presbyterian Church of Chelsea