Monday, September 21, 2009

2009.09.21 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, still going strong at the corner of Thompson and Illinois, in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma. Our Sunday worship service begins at 10 a.m. You'll be welcome if you can attend. If you can't be with us, please say a little prayer for us. We do remember you, our MONDAY MORNING FAMILY in our thoughts and prayers.

If you want to add the name and email address of a friend or family member to our growing family, please send the information to Donna, our friendly, able editor of these messages. You have our Church office email address.

Our PEARL OF VALUE this week comes from one of our church members:

"Knowledge is not likely to enter the head when the mouth is open!"

God endowed us with two ears but only one mouth. Yet, for most of us the ears are in semi-retirement while the mouth is overworked. There is a great deal of talking, even shouting, but very little listening.

Listening is not easy. Listening with the whole person requires discipline, patience and caring.

When God appeared to King Solomon in a vision, and offered him any gift he wished, Solomon asked for a "listening heart." Listening is not done alone with ears, it is also done with the heart!

Fond regards,

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