Monday, August 31, 2009

2009.08.31 Monday Morning - Recycled!

Top of the morning and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, now in its 126th year of ministry in Vinita, Oklahoma and the surrounding area.

126 years! That is a long time to have informed and inspired generation after generation. Many have written to tell me how influential Pilgrim Church has been in their lives. The latest such note came from a lady who wrote "the church has a special place in my heart and always will." She now lives half a continent away from Vinita.

I have asked myself what is the most striking thing about this congregation which is held with great affection by so many. I have concluded that is a strand of love which has been woven into its life and work, decade after decade, generation after generation.

The strand of love that is present in the Church's mission and outreach programs...

The strand of love that blesses the tie that binds us to Christ and to one another...

The strand of love that loudly affirms that we all need one another!

Peace...fond regards,

Monday, August 24, 2009

2009.08.24 Monday Morning - Recycled!

Greetings and best wishes to you from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

It may be a sign of old age, but I know that life's arithmetic means that for every new year we celebrate, we can subtract a year from our life.

That sounds pessimistic, but what I mean to say is don't wait too long to do what you want to do.

In too many simple things we wait too long to do them.

Don't wait too long to show kindness.
Don't wait too long to speak or write a word of encouragement.
Don't wait too long to express your love and thanks to elderly relatives.
Don't wait too long to love and enjoy your children and grandchildren.
Don't wait too long to read the books and listen to the music that enlarges your mind.
And, of course, don't wait too long to practice a daily quiet time when you strengthen your inner spirit.

Life goes by quickly.  Don't wait too long to do the things you want to do!

With blessings and in friendship,


Monday, August 17, 2009

2009.08.17 Monday Morning - Recycled!

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

Last week I met a married couple, long-time friends, who were unhappy, singing the blues. I am used to the husband's negative view of life, but I was surprised to hear his usually happy wife complain about some petty thing that happened in their Church.

Our conversation prompts me to ask two questions: How do we get happiness? How do we get the most out of life?

Turning to Jesus' words, I got a strange answer. He said happiness is a life lived for God and others. Happiness is a by-product of a life lived for others! "Whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake...will find it."

Happiness is found, not in saving your life for yourself, not in hoarding your gifts and talents, but in giving yourself away. Happiness comes when you live for God and others.

Cheers...happy wishes...Richard

P.S. We will resume our Second Sunday Special on February 10 honoring our special Annabelle Mitchell. If you have a piece of Annabelle's pottery, please bring it and be sure and put your name on it. We will have cookies and coffee after Church.

Monday, August 10, 2009

2009.08.10 Monday Morning - Recycled!

Good Morning!

Following is Dr. Evans first Monday Morning message. Enjoy!

Grace and peace,

Donna J

--- On Mon, 9/24/07, Pilgrim Prsbytrn Church wrote:

Greetings from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma. If you feel today's message is worth sharing, please send it to those in your email address book. If you send me an email, if you have a prayer request, be certain that I will answer. Richard

We always talk about dependence on God, forgetting that God also depends on us for so many things.

God cannot make a peaceful world unless we help him root out hatred, prejudice and injustice.

God cannot build a happy home unless husband and wife have a sharing spirit and mutual respect.

God heals the sick but not without doctors, nurses, hospitals and their staff, research, prayers and encouragement of family and friends.

God needs us. We certainly need God. We are joined in a great partnership.

With blessings and in friendship; KEEP IN TOUCH!!

Richard Evans

Monday, August 3, 2009

2009.08.03 Monday Morning - Recycled!

With Dr. Evans on vacation and Monday Mornings as well, I've received several requests for "vintage Dr. Evans". So here it is! This is one of my favorites. Do you have a favorite you'd like to see again? Let me know and I'll try to find it. I think I've saved all of them from September 2007 forward.

Grace and peace,
Donna J

--- On Mon, 5/4/09, Pilgrim Prsbytrn Church wrote:

For some of you who at one time lived in the Vinita area, and who are now scattered across the country and overseas, I send special greetings from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church this MONDAY MORNING. Memories are important, and I want you to know we remember you.

An ancient Greek legend came to mind as I prepared to share in a funeral service for a dear young friend. The legend speaks of a woman who arrived at the River Styx, where Charon, a gentle ferryman, stood ready to take her to the realm of departed spirits.

Charon told her she could drink of the water and completely forget what she was leaving behind. She thought about that, and asked questions: Shall I forget how I've suffered? Shall I forget my failures and how I've been hurt? The ferryman said yes, and then reminded her that she would also forget her victories, her successes, her happy times. And she would forget how she had been loved.

The legend concludes by saying that she did not drink of the water.

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all God's benefits." Memories are the stuff of life.

And that's why we send you MONDAY MORNING! We want to keep in touch!
