Monday, June 1, 2009

2009.06.01 Monday Morning!

Greetings and all good wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, Vinita, Oklahoma.

I preached on "Lost and Found" and several people asked for a copy of the sermon. I take that as a compliment - good for my ego - which will last a long time., i.e. until a similar request comes.

"The winning sermon" was based on the 15th Chapter of Luke, which contains the essence of the good news which Jesus proclaimed. Try re-reading this chapter sometime this week.

In a trinity of incomparable parables, Jesus taught that the cause of "lostness" is WASTE. When you waste your life you lose it.

The lost coin was not damaged nor defaced, it no longer fulfilled its function. The lost sheep was not a bad sheep, but when it strayed it was no longer a part of the flock. The son, whom we call the Prodigal Son, was lost because he separated himself, by wrong choices, from his family.

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, to rescue us from wasting life, from not fulfilling God's intended purpose.

What is that purpose? The purpose is defined by the Old Testament prophet Micah and by Jesus, in two high-water marks of all religion. Micah said: seek justice - love kindness - walk humbly with God.

And Jesus said: Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself.

Life is complex. We all make mistakes, but we can rise above our failings, which need not be fixed or congealed, by committing ourselves to the requirements Micah and Jesus gave us. They will save us from wasting our life!


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