Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009.01.12 Monday Morning!

To all in our "Monday Morning" family, belated good wishes for inner peace and joy throughout 2009!

I have two reasons for sending these weekly messages:

First, to keep in touch with you who once called Pilgrim Church your "home church".

Second, to reach out with the good news of the Gospel.

Jesus did not write rules or creeds, but he did give us a criteria for discipleship. (John 13:35) Three things are needed for a full, happy life of discipleship.

Something to hope for - a stimulus to further living!
Something to do - work is not a curse but a blessing! (ask anyone forced into unemployment or inactivity)
Someone to love - when love is born, life is renewed!

That's a PEARL OF VALUE to begin your new year!


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