Sunday, January 25, 2009

2009.01.26 Monday Morning!

Top of this Monday Morning, and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

It is sad, but true, that those inclined toward religious pursuits are too often inclined toward extremism. When you think of modern faith-based violence, names like Osama bin Laden, David Koresh and Jim Jones are front and center.

While certain fundamentalists and evangelicals within our Presbyterian Church (USA) may not be violent, their thinking that their interpretation of the Bible is the only way of belief is self-righteous!

There are many ways to God, and those who accuse others of heresy would do better by being less intolerant, less stubborn in their prejudices.

No person has a monopoly of belief or experience. Beware of religious tyranny!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009.01.19 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, a church with a big heart, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

If you know of anyone who may like to begin his/her week with "Monday Morning", send an email address to Donna in the Church office. And, be assured that your email replies to Monday Morning are much appreciated!

Today, our Pearls of Value come from the pen of Prof. William Barclay, author of the popular Daily Bible Study.

1. "We must never be self-centered in our happiness. Even when we are happy, there are others whose hearts ache. In our happiness, we must never be so self-centered that we forget others pain."
2. "We must never be selfish in our prosperity. It is always wrong for prosperity and selfishness to go hand in hand."
3. "We must never be self-righteous in goodness. How harmful is the so-called Christian who harps on and on about his goodness."

Pretty good directives, aren't they?


Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009.01.12 Monday Morning!

To all in our "Monday Morning" family, belated good wishes for inner peace and joy throughout 2009!

I have two reasons for sending these weekly messages:

First, to keep in touch with you who once called Pilgrim Church your "home church".

Second, to reach out with the good news of the Gospel.

Jesus did not write rules or creeds, but he did give us a criteria for discipleship. (John 13:35) Three things are needed for a full, happy life of discipleship.

Something to hope for - a stimulus to further living!
Something to do - work is not a curse but a blessing! (ask anyone forced into unemployment or inactivity)
Someone to love - when love is born, life is renewed!

That's a PEARL OF VALUE to begin your new year!
