Sunday, December 14, 2008

2008.12.15 Monday Morning!

Christmas is almost here! Pilgrim Presbyterians, who worship inside the walls of a beautiful sanctuary, in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma, have a passion for those outside those walls.

In a truly ecumenical spirit, "Pilgrims" are working in a community mission/outreach with friends at St. John's Episcopal Church and Salvation Army.

Cash gifts and food items are being collected for Attucks Alternative Academy, for Salvation Army's Backpack Program for school children, and the Army's food pantry.

In addition, gifts of toys and books for prison inmates to give to their children, and bingo prizes, hats and gloves for the Vinita Day Care Center, and Bundles for Babies will brighten the lives of scores of families.

That is not the end of the ecumenical spirit alive and well at Pilgrim Church. At worship, on the second Sunday of Advent the choir from St. John's, joined by Joyce Dishman and Suzie Cresap, sang an anthem, accompanied by the organist from St. John's. Yesterday, the third Sunday of Advent the Silvertones from the First Baptist Church provided special music.

Though Romans chapter 12 may not be what you expect to read before Christmas, I suggest it does reflect a wonderful description of the way "Pilgrims" understand their discipleship. I am grateful for this community of faith, scattered far and near, and its big, big heart!

Peace, may authentic peace be yours,


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