Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008.12.29 Monday Morning!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! That's our prayer for you from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma!

When we read our New Testament in English, we must remember it is a translation from the original Greek. Frequently in Greek, words have multiple meanings which we may miss in English translations.

A good example is the word "end" where "end" includes "a goal", "an aim".  Maybe that's why we make New Year's Resolutions. Not a bad idea!

We all need goals, a sense of aim.  Without them we drift.  With them life becomes a "pilgrimage" with purpose.

A good New Year's resolution: don't put off what can and ought to be done today until tomorrow.

Happy New Year! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

2008.12.22 Monday Morning!

Fond best wishes for a Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones from historic Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

Have a fun-filled, memorable Christmas day! As you get together with family and friends to open gifts, eat and drink (both in moderation, of course), no squabbling please!!!. Play games rather than argue politics and/or religion!

We've sung our carols and hymns, listened to the lessons from the prophets and gospels, and prayed for you, near and far. Now is the time to celebrate.

Jesus loved parties, and I hope you do as well. ENJOY!! Some friends may complain about "commercialism" at Christmas. If the result of "commercialism" is no worse than to prompt a person to give gifts to a spouse, to parents, to children and grandchildren, and to be extravagantly generous for once, I assure you that there could be many worse things.

Celebrate!! Enjoy!!
Merry Christmas,


Sunday, December 14, 2008

2008.12.15 Monday Morning!

Christmas is almost here! Pilgrim Presbyterians, who worship inside the walls of a beautiful sanctuary, in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma, have a passion for those outside those walls.

In a truly ecumenical spirit, "Pilgrims" are working in a community mission/outreach with friends at St. John's Episcopal Church and Salvation Army.

Cash gifts and food items are being collected for Attucks Alternative Academy, for Salvation Army's Backpack Program for school children, and the Army's food pantry.

In addition, gifts of toys and books for prison inmates to give to their children, and bingo prizes, hats and gloves for the Vinita Day Care Center, and Bundles for Babies will brighten the lives of scores of families.

That is not the end of the ecumenical spirit alive and well at Pilgrim Church. At worship, on the second Sunday of Advent the choir from St. John's, joined by Joyce Dishman and Suzie Cresap, sang an anthem, accompanied by the organist from St. John's. Yesterday, the third Sunday of Advent the Silvertones from the First Baptist Church provided special music.

Though Romans chapter 12 may not be what you expect to read before Christmas, I suggest it does reflect a wonderful description of the way "Pilgrims" understand their discipleship. I am grateful for this community of faith, scattered far and near, and its big, big heart!

Peace, may authentic peace be yours,


Sunday, December 7, 2008

2008.12.08 Monday Morning!

Advent greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma. The hope of Monday Morning, these weekly messages, is to keep in touch, and responses received indicate that is being achieved.

Do you ever read the comic strips? I've been an avid fan of "Pogo" no longer with us, and "Peanuts", still appearing though its creator, Charles Schultz, is dead. There is a lot of sound theology in the comics!

I remember when Charlie Brown and Lucy were leaning against a tree and Lucy asks, "What do you think security is?"
Charlie, or "Chuck" as Lucy calls him, replies: "Security? Security is sleeping in the back seat of the car when you're a little kid and it's night. Your parents are in the front seats and they've done all the worrying. They take care of everything."
Lucy smiles and says: "That's real neat."
"But," Charlie Brown says, "it doesn't always last. Suddenly you're grown up. And it can never be that way again. Suddenly it's over and you'll never go to sleep in the back seat again. Never!"
Lucy gets a sad and scared look on her face and says: "Never?" Then Charlie, who has scared himself with this terrible truth, says, "Never."
In the last picture Lucy, aware of the real world, reaches over to Charlie and says: "Hold my hand, hold my hand!"

We can't hold one another's hand over the miles, but we can "keep in touch." Isn't that what the gospel teaches?

"Keep in touch", my friends...keep in touch with loved ones, with friends, and with the God whom we know in the face of the Babe of Bethlehem.
