Monday, June 2, 2008

2008.06.02 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning and best wishes from sunny and bright Vinita, Oklahoma, where Pilgrim Presbyterian Church still sends out Christ's good news from the corner of Illinois and Thompson!

John Grisham, a noted author, speaking recently to a gathering of 15,000 Baptists in Atlanta, said: "For so long, so many Baptists have worked so hard to exclude so many!"

It was Luke 4:18-19 that challenged Grisham, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and others to advocate respect in diversity at this Atlanta gathering.

Presbyterians might do well to take a page out of this Baptist initiative. We need to find a way out of our bitter infighting, which is divisive and unfaithful to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

I hope the Presbyterian General Assembly, which will meet in San Jose, California on June 20-28, will listen carefully to this passage, Luke 4:18-19. How honest are we when we sing: "We are one in the Spirit, one in the Lord, and they'll know we are Christians by our love"?

Pray for peace and unity, real peace and unity among us.


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