Monday, June 30, 2008

2008.06.30 Monday Morning!

It is hard for me to believe that today is the last day of June. One half of 2008 is behind us. The older one gets the faster pages on the calendar disappear. But, I'm still up and around and able to send warm greetings from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

My wife, Helen, and I intended to spend July and August at our summer camp in the Adirondacks, where we have been vacationing since 1960. This year, however, our trip is delayed - not postponed - until Helen is feeling better.

During July congregation. (On the q.t. - Mrs. Dancer has a beautiful singing voice! Knowing that, you may ask her for a solo...)

Your favorite Monday Morning message will continue, so you can begin your week with an upbeat nudge, thanks to Donna, our computer savvy Church Administrator.

Our dear friend, the Rev. Judith Henderson will be going to Malawi, Africa in July, where she'll be teaching three courses. Our thoughts and prayers are with her. Be safe, Judy!

And to all of you the same word: Enjoy and be safe!


Monday, June 23, 2008

2008.06.23 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, still located in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

An overcast, wet Monday morning (June 16, 2008) was brightened as I read about "Home of Hope" in the Tulsa World. Through its residential and vocational programs, it assists people with mental disabilities.

Founded by Jane Hartley and Laura Cupp, it is a perfect example of faith in action! Mrs. Hartley was a devoted Pilgrim Presbyterian, and we do well to imitate her "faith in ac dead!"

There is hardly anything so necessary as the ability to distinguish between that which is important and that which is not. Mrs. Hartley and Mrs. Cupp had that ability and obviously they knew that the most God-like thing in the world is the passion to help others.

Your determination never to be useless will take you a long way in doing God-like work in the world, at your doorstep and beyond.

In friendship,


Monday, June 16, 2008

2008.06.16 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in the heart of Vinita, Oklahoma.

126 years ago the Board of National Missions of our Presbyterian Church sent missionaries to this part of Indian Territory. Their commitment to Christ, their love of the people, and the land, prompted them to begin the first Presbyterian Church in the Vinita area, which is now called Pilgrim Presbyterian Church.

We are thankful for the vision, faith and courage of those pioneer "pilgrims" more than a century ago.

Now, we have an opportunity to send "missionaries", who with vision, faith and courage carry the good news of Christ to strengthen the work of our brothers and sisters in Malawi, Africa.

In July, our good friend, the Rev. Judith Henderson, will leave for one term, when she will be engaged in a teaching ministry. In October a delegation from our Presbytery will respond to a call from the Livingstone Synod, in Malawi, to visit and help families facing pressing issues which impact their lives.

Will you support this partnership with your prayers and gifts of money? Checks, payable to Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, and designated "Malawi" will be sent as a part of our congregation's benevolence giving.

Many thanks for your support on behalf of the Presbytery-Malawi Partnership Committee.


Monday, June 2, 2008

2008.06.02 Monday Morning!

Top of the morning and best wishes from sunny and bright Vinita, Oklahoma, where Pilgrim Presbyterian Church still sends out Christ's good news from the corner of Illinois and Thompson!

John Grisham, a noted author, speaking recently to a gathering of 15,000 Baptists in Atlanta, said: "For so long, so many Baptists have worked so hard to exclude so many!"

It was Luke 4:18-19 that challenged Grisham, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and others to advocate respect in diversity at this Atlanta gathering.

Presbyterians might do well to take a page out of this Baptist initiative. We need to find a way out of our bitter infighting, which is divisive and unfaithful to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

I hope the Presbyterian General Assembly, which will meet in San Jose, California on June 20-28, will listen carefully to this passage, Luke 4:18-19. How honest are we when we sing: "We are one in the Spirit, one in the Lord, and they'll know we are Christians by our love"?

Pray for peace and unity, real peace and unity among us.
