Monday, June 14, 2010

2010.06.14 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian, a friendly Church of the faith, located in Vinita, Oklahoma.
Fifty years ago, my wife and I bought a log cabin on the shore of Schroon Lake, NY, in the Adirondacks.  We lived simply in this summer retreat, which had never been modernized.
There was an old well from which we drew our cool, refreshing water.  The day came when we decided to move into the 20th century.  Electricity replaced kerosene lanterns, running water gave us indoor plumbing.  No longer was it necessary to carry water from the old well.
A few summers passed when I decided one day to inspect the well.  To my surprise, it was dry!  The well had run without failing for many years, yet now it was dry.  There was no water because the well had not been used.
Our souls are like that well.  What happened to that well can happen to us if we don't use God's Living Water.
There is no need for your soul or mine to be dry.  We can draw from the depths of God's Living Water in fellowship with Christ and his Church!
Don't suffer from spiritual dehydration!

Monday, June 7, 2010

2010.06.07 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.
One of the best known teachings of Jesus is the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).  In the preface to the story (verse 27) we read these familiar words "You shall love the Lord your God...and your neighbor as yourself."
How much in you is loveable?  Take a good look into your soul.  What do you find loveable about yourself?  What do you find that's not so loveable?
Now, take this little quiz:
1.Do you love being treated justly, fairly?
2.Do you love being treated with kindness?
3.Do you walk humbly with God, or do you have a "know it all" attitude?
No one can like everyone.  But if we love justice, if we strive to be kind, and if we walk in humility before God, we will learn to love others, and not throw obstacles in the way of even those people we don't like.
Let's try to act on those three requirements - justice, kindness and humility - and not react to the annoying words which come from people we don't like.
PS:  To those participating in To Know My Bible - 101"study:
1.We've entered in our notebooks our favorite verses and passages.  I've shared mine with you.  Please send me your list!
2.Our second exercise is to list Bible stories and characters.  I've suggested readings from Genesis.  Soon we'll begin to list stories from Exodus, the era of Moses.  Go for it!