Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monday Morning - Dr. Martin Luther King

Top of the morning from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

While trying to keep warm in our January frigid weather, I've come up with a question for you: Do you read your Bible? If you do, good for you, but know that you are in the vast minority.

One reason the Bible is left unread, on a shelf gathering dust, is that the "one story line" is not arranged in chronological order. Thankfully, biblical scholars have traced that "one story", which I call "The Golden Thread". Following that thread one finds a development of ideas which reveal the laws, rituals, doctrines and customs in terms of the generation from which they came.

The earliest Hebrews saw their obligation only to family, clan, tribe and nation. Outside those boundaries there was little, if any, obligation. Bigotry and prejudice arise when there is no wider range of concern.

The idea that God's will is the well being of all creation developed slowly, climaxing in the teachings of Jesus. Bigotry and prejudice are sinful. When tempted to make a racial slur, one ought think of a friend of another race and ask, "Would I make the same thoughtless remark to my friend, or my friend's family?"

Intelligent faith goes a long way in fulfilling the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr., a non-violent, remarkable American, whose birth we celebrate today.


2010.01.18 Monday Morning!

Monday Morning greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

We are so wrapped by a desire to get ahead in the world that I wonder how many of us have forgotten the underpinning of true success, which is GOOD CHARACTER! Genuine sincerity and integrity equals goodness.

Goodness may well be an adequate description of an old fashioned word, "holiness". It is well to remember that holiness and health derive from the same Latin word..

Physical health comes when we observe good, common sense laws: getting good food, exercise, recreation, washing our hands frequently. Spiritual health comes from its laws: practicing quiet time daily, service to God and others, worship within the family of faith.

Keep well in body, mind and spirit!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010.01.11 Monday Morning!

From Pilgrim Presbyterian go these best wishes to you and your loved ones, at the beginning of this new decade:

"Come on everybody, it's time to sing praise to the Lord our God with all our heart."

Time to sing praise to God? How can anyone sing in these chaotic times?

We sang with euphoric gladness ten years ago when we greeted the new millennium. Today, if we can sing at all, it'll be the "blues".

"Come on everyone, it's time to sing...sing out your faith loud and clear!"

"Faith"?...yes, everyone has faith.. Faith can be used for good or for evil. Everyone has faith. It can't be eliminated. Use your faith, don't misuse it. Stand in the sanctuary of your own soul, stand in the presence of God, and your good faith will be renewed.

Let's make this New Year a time to rediscover the spiritual origins of our Christian faith, its endless possibilities, its eternal meaning. God is with us, that's the message of Christmas. That's the foundation of our faith.

That faith is a fountain of power. Release that power and discover victory which overcomes the world.

Go for it...God is with you!


Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010.01.04 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church in Vinita, Oklahoma.

In this my first Monday Morning message of the New Year, I offer you one of the greatest phrases in the Bible: "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord." (Proverbs 20:27)

Within yourself there is a divine capacity which, when brought forth, can enrich your life and the lives of others. To discover that something within yourself, read and re-read Luke and Acts. You'll be amazed how these two books will bring forth hidden strength and enable you to see the full range of human possibilities.

You are a child of God and by kindling the flame of God within you others who may be spiritually barren and bankrupt can begin to see their own divine capacity.

I have found new meaning and reason for Christ's words, "you are the light of the world". (Matthew 5:14), as I reflect on that great, simple phrase - "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord."

Resolve now, at the start of 2010, to discover what you may become! Don't set a limit on what you may be.
