Monday, May 25, 2009

2009.05.25 Monday Morning!

Greetings and best wishes on this Memorial Day from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, located in beautiful Vinita, Oklahoma, the glistening heart of "green country" where we've had almost a month of steady rain.

Years ago, I saw the UN Charter signed in San Francisco. The UN has done many things well, but presently it is failing to keep world peace.

I know we pray for peace, but I fear that is a sentimental prayer, like love your neighbor. God doesn't do anything for us that we can't do for ourselves.

What can we do? War is a human problem that can be overcome only by human solutions. There always will be disagreements and conflict. However, when Oklahoma and Arkansas have conflict over clean water they don't go to war. They enter "conflict resolution" (a comparatively new field), and agree to abide by the judicatory.

It may be an impossible task, but a global effort to include "Peace Studies" in high school, college and university curricula may save us from the last nuclear war staring us in the face.


Monday, May 4, 2009

2009.05.04 Monday Morning!

For some of you who at one time lived in the Vinita area, and who are now scattered across the country and overseas, I send special greetings from Pilgrim Presbyterian Church this MONDAY MORNING. Memories are important, and I want you to know we remember you.

An ancient Greek legend came to mind as I prepared to share in a funeral service for a dear young friend. The legend speaks of a woman who arrived at the River Styx, where Charon, a gentle ferryman, stood ready to take her to the realm of departed spirits.

Charon told her she could drink of the water and completely forget what she was leaving behind. She thought about that, and asked questions: Shall I forget how I've suffered? Shall I forget my failures and how I've been hurt? The ferryman said yes, and then reminded her that she would also forget her victories, her successes, her happy times. And she would forget how she had been loved.

The legend concludes by saying that she did not drink of the water.

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all God's benefits." 

Memories are the stuff of life.

And that's why we send you MONDAY MORNING!  We want to keep in touch!
