Monday, March 31, 2008

Introduction and Explanation

First of all, I like most everyone at our Church, would like to say thanks for people like Richard Evans. Richard and people like him, are the ones that keep groups such as the Vinita Pilgrim Presbyterian Church together. It has meant a lot to me and many others to be able to reconnect with so many at our church, even if we cannot be there physically! These Monday Morning Messages have been responsible for bringing people back together at our church and at the same time expanding our awareness.

I have enjoyed the Monday Morning messages which have come to me now for over a year and wish to put these up for others to see. There is so much that can be learned from what Richard has to say. Therefore I wish that those who do not know of this wonderful list to be able to connect either by viewing this blog or by getting on the mailing list!

If you or someone you know, have a Monday Morning message that I have left off, either by accident or because it is before I began receiving the Monday Morning Messages (early 2008), please email it to and I will see that it is put up here!

Thank you for all the continuing hard work, Richard!

Love and Peace,

Brian Dishman